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Do you want to share your experience(s) or hear stories of people with disabilities getting out of institutions or nursery homes to go home for the holidays? Do you want to learn how one can utilize resources to move into their own home in a community and live independently? You are welcome to join the #CDRchat Twitter chat! The #CDRchat will be co-hosted by Sarah Launderville, Executive Director of Vermont Center for Independent Living, and Jensen Caraballo, Peer Advocate for Center for Disability Rights. Tune in on Wednesday, December 20th, at 3pm EST!
How to Participate:
Follow @CDRNYS, @VCIL, and @GimpSwagg on Twitter
When it’s time, search #CDRchat on Twitter for the series of live tweets under the ‘Live’ tab for the full conversation.
If you might be overwhelmed by the volume of tweets and only want to see the chat’s questions, check @CDRNYS’s tweets. Each question will tweeted 4-5 minutes apart.
Check out this explanation of how to participate in a twitter chat by Ruti Regan: https://storify.com/RutiRegan/examplechat
Check out this captioned #ASL explanation of how to participate in a chat by @behearddc
Please remember to use the #CDRchat hashtag when you tweet.
If you respond to a question such as Q1, your tweet should follow this format: “A1 [your message] #CDRchat”
We look forward to chatting the topic of “Home for the Holidays” with you!