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The Center for Disability Rights (CDR) denounces the treatment of Haitian Immigrants at the United States (US) Border and calls on President Biden to immediately stop the illegal rapid expulsion and denial of asylum protection for this community.
“The expulsion and denial of asylum for the Haitian people who have come to this country for protection and care are reprehensible. The images of white Border Patrol Officers riding horseback with whips in their hands and corralling Black Haitian migrants are atrocious. It’s 2021, and President Biden needs to end these tactics against human beings immediately.”
– Dara Baldwin, CDR – Director of National Policy.
Haiti is a country who is recovering from turmoil on multiple levels. Political upheaval, violence, national disasters – including earthquakes and hurricanes, a global pandemic and other events have created untenable living conditions which have forced these individuals to leave their country and come to the US for safety and refuge. That, alone, should be more than enough reason for them to be welcomed and cared for in this country.
The journey they made to get to the US border was unfathomably treacherous, and people with disabilities are among those seeking safety, refuge and freedom at the US boarder. They include those disabled at birth and others who experienced the onset of disability which includes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental health disabilities precipitated by their flight to save their lives and the lives of their families.
CDR works for national, state, and local systemic change to advance the rights of people with disabilities by supporting direct action, coalition building, community organizing, policy analysis, litigation, training for advocates, and community education. We are committed to ending racism and systems of oppression which includes speaking for those currently suffering from this crisis.
The Biden Administration has been in office for eight months, and yet the illegal tactics against asylum-seekers used by the former administration continue. CDR calls on the Biden Administration to end these illegal polices, dismantle the systems that perpetuate them, and immediately stop the rapid and numerous expulsions of Haitian asylum-seekers. Just yesterday, the US was on the world stage at the United Nations affirming that we must work in collaboration to create peace while at the same time trampling on those we should be lifting up and protecting.
The Center for Disability Rights envisions a society in which people with disabilities enjoy full integration, independence, and civil rights – and to be clear – that vision includes and embraces those who come here from other parts of the world seeking refuge, safety and a better life. CDR is committed to working every day to establish this new world order and build a more-just and inclusive society.
The humanitarian laws of our country forbid the treatment that mirrors “slave patrols out to capture the property of white men” witnessed at the US Border over the past several days. These actions must end immediately and never happen in this country again.
We hope that over the next few weeks the Biden Administration proves that the millions of people who voted them into office did the right thing to create change and a better country.
For more information on the Immigration and Refugee work being done by CDR contact – Dara Baldwin, Director of National Policy – dara.baldwin@ncdr.us