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The Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities is looking to interview day habilitation staff, disabled adults, family members and care coordinators for a study to better understand barriers to transitioning from OPWDD’s day habilitation service to employment. Participants will receive $20 in compensation for their interview session.
Participation will include an interview or focus group session which will last approximately 1 – 1.5 hours. Participants who are disabled adults will be asked a series of questions about their perceptions and experiences trying to find employment. Family members, day habilitation staff, and care coordinators will be asked about their experiences working with or supporting disabled adults during employment-related conversations and activities.
If you are interested, click here.
If you would like to learn more, check out their recruitment video.
If you have additional questions, you may contact:
Kaitlyn Jackson
Phone: 585-276-6449