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CDR and the Regional Center for Independent Living (RCIL) are hosting a series of events throughout the month of July to celebrate the 24th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Enacted on July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act is often viewed as the Civil Rights Act for people with disabilities. Each year we gather our community together to celebrate the great progress we have made, while also planning our work to continue to eliminate the barriers that still remain in our society. Please see below, a list of the events CDR and RCIL will be hosting this year. Join us!
- July 14 – Film Festival
The Center for Disability Rights Presents:
A Film Festival in Celebration of The Americans with Disabilities Act
The Cinema Theater, 957 Clinton Ave. SouthMonday, July 14th
6pm – 7:15 pm
Lives Worth Living
(60 minute film screening)“Lives Worth Living traces the development of consciousness of these pioneers who realized that in order to change the world they needed to work together. Through demonstrations and inside legislative battles, the disability rights community secured equal civil rights for all people with disabilities. Thanks to their efforts, tens of millions of people’s lives have been changed.”
Monday, July 14th
8pm – 9:15 pm
(60 minute film screening)“From bionic limbs and neural implants to prenatal screening, researchers around the world are hard at work developing a myriad of technologies to fix or enhance the human body. FIXED: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement takes a close look at the drive to be ‘better than human’ and the radical technological innovations that may take us there. What does “disabled” mean when a man with no legs can run faster than most people in the world?”
This is a FREE event open to all members of the community.
Interpreters will be provided. All films shown will be closed captioned.
- July 15 – Slam Poetry
Slam Poetry, Music and Arts Fest
Featuring the innovative talent of Phred Stalen, Luz Jimenez, Flip Polizzi, Jensen Caraballo and more!And premiering YO! – Youth Own – The Movie
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
6 pm – 9pmBoulder Coffee
Brooks Landing location – 960 Genesee Street, RochesterFree admission! Dinner and drink items available for purchase throughout the evening.
6 pm – 7pm: Video premiere, free appetizers, family and youth hour
7 pm – 9pm: Talent uncensored, all are welcome, but parental discretion advisedHosted by YO! – Youth Own – RCIL’s Youth Leadership Group
A part of the Rochester Disability Community ADA Celebration
Questions about this event: email jgrover@rcil.orgFUN
RAP - July 17 – ADA Music Celebration
ADA Music Celebration!
Featuring the musical talents of Elaine KolbMark your Calendar:
DATE: Thursday, July 17th
TIME: 5:30 – 8:30 pm
LOCATION: Stardust Ballroom – 41 Backus Street, Rochester, NYJoin us for an ADA celebration and “sing-along” featuring the musical talents of Elaine Kolb!
“LEGACY”Light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be available for all guests!
Interpreters will be provided at this event. - July 21 – Film Festival
The Center for Disability Rights Presents: A Film Festival in Celebration of The Americans with Disabilities Act The Cinema Theater, 957 Clinton Ave. South
Monday, July 21
6 pm – 8 pm
The Hammer
(108 minute film screening)THE HAMMER is a sports drama depicting the struggles and successes Matt Hamill faces on the way to becoming a champion. Raised among those with the ability to hear, Matt later finds himself no less an outsider amidst the Deaf Community. Through sheer determination, he uses his perceived disability as an asset, and becomes both the first deaf wrestler to win a National Collegiate Championship and an inspirational force to the hearing and deaf alike.
Monday, July 21st 8:15 pm – 10:00 pm
(90 minute film screening)Quad rugby as played by the US team, between 2002 games in Sweden and the 2004 Paralympics in Athens. Young men, most with spinal injuries, play this rough and tumble sport in special chairs, seated gladiators. We get to know several and their families. They talk frankly about their injuries, feelings in public, sex lives, competitiveness, and love of the game. There’s also an angry former team member gone north to coach the Canadian team, tough on everyone, including his viola-playing son. We meet a recently injured man, in rehab, at times close to despair, finding possible joy in quad rugby. After Athens, the team meets young men injured in war: the future stars of Team USA.
This is a FREE event open to all members of the community.
Interpreters will be provided. All films show will be closed captioned. - July 21 – Legislative Breakfast
2014 ADA Legislative Breakfast
Location: CDR’s Rochester Office – 497 State Street, Rochester, NY 14608
Time: 8 – 10 am
Date: Monday, July 21, 2014CDR is hosting our annual legislative breakfast to commemorate the 24th Anniversary of the ADA.
This Event is Part of CDR’s Week long Celebration! Please come with questions and concerns to discuss with your elected officials.Topics to be discussed:
Accessible, affordable, integrated housing
ADA Compliance
NYS Olmstead PlanContact: (585)546-7510 or datias@cdrnys.org
Sign Language Interpreters will be provided. - July 22 – Creative Expressions through Visual Arts
Creative Expression Through Visual Arts
WHEN: July 22, 2014
6pm – 9pmWHERE: Art and Vintage on the Main (AVoM)
101 Main Street, East Rochester, NY 14445Join CDR and RCIL In Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act!
FREE Event For All to Attend!FEATURING:
Small Bites & Beverages
Deaf Artists & Artwork Display
A Performance by Dangerous Signs
Voice Interpreters will be provided
ASL translated Music Video by Jason Listman - July 24 – ADA Gala Fundraiser (call Kristin Salter 546-7510 for more details)
- July 25 – ADA Picnic at Ontario Beach Park
ADA Picnic
Join us for the afternoon to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act!Friday, July 25, 2014
2:00pm – 5:00pmOntario Beach Park- Shoreline Shelter
180 Beach Avenue, Rochester, NY 14612Come enjoy food, fun and outdoor activities!
RSVP by 7/14/14 to Sheila Middlebrook
(585) 546-7510 or smiddlebrook@cdrnys.orgInterpreters provided!