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Media Release
Contact: Chris Hilderbrant
August 1, 2010
Protest vigil continues; Community provides entertainment; protesters plan for Monday
Rochester, NY – What appears to be the longest protest vigil in the history of Rochester continues tonight as the consumers, attendants and supporters of the Center for Disability Rights’ Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Service (CDPAS) complete one full week of protesting 24 / 7 outside the County Office Building. The protest began Monday evening, July 26, 2010.
Since Monroe County informed CDR, without any prior notice, that it was discontinuing its contract with CDR to provide CDPAS, CDR has documented a large number of inaccuracies in Commissioner Kelly Reed’s letter to County Executive Brooks. More importantly, many of the consumers which Commissioner Reed alleged were neglected by CDR have spoken to the press to indicate that the county has distorted the situation, with some individuals indicating that Monroe County “lied” and that the allegations are “absurd.” Despite this, County Executive Brooks has refused to discuss the situation or to even talk to any of the individuals whom she is forcing to change service providers.
Through the week long vigil, the protesters have received tremendous support from the Greater Rochester community. Individuals supporting the protesters have delivered coffee, pizza, cookies, vegetables, baked chicken, pulled pork and many other meals. Entertainment has been provided by a live band and glowing hula hoops. This evening, the protesters are anticipating a “karaoke night” beginning at 7:00 PM. All our welcome to join the group at 39 West Main Street.
Protesters have planned a large rally for Monday, August 2, at 10:00 AM. The rally will take place at 39 West Main Street. Additional activities will take place following the rally. More details will follow regarding the rally and consequent activities.