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April 23, 2010
Contact Chris Hilderbrant at (585) 546–7510
Denise Dinoto (518) 694-6744.
Michelle Fridley advocates for persons with disabilities in many ways.
ROCHESTER, NY—The Center for Disability Rights (CDR) is pleased to announce that one of its advocates, Michelle Fridley, has won the title of Ms. Wheelchair New York 2010. Ms. Fridley will participate in the Ms. Wheelchair America Pageant in August.
Ms. Fridley currently resides in Canandaigua, NY, where she has lived since moving away from her home in Seneca County when they failed to provide her adequate home care services. Michelle was injured in a car accident in July 2000 and gave birth to her daughter, just nine days after her injury. In recent years, Michelle has emerged as a powerful advocate for herself and others with disabilities. She is participating in a national fundraiser for disability rights this weekend, in Washington, DC.
“We are thrilled to have Michelle represent our state and our organization this year,” said CDR Chief Operating Officer Chris Hilderbrant. “Michelle’s passion for living and improving the quality of life for others with disabilities has been impressive and inspiring. Although I’ve only known her a short time, it is clear that this title is well deserved and is only the beginning of the impact she will make.”
According to Denise Dinoto, coordinator of the Ms. Wheelchair New York competition, “Ms. Wheelchair America is not a traditional beauty pageant, but rather an opportunity for women of achievement who use wheelchairs to successfully educate and advocate for individuals with disabilities.” Ms. Dinoto continued, “The judges evaluate the participants based on their accomplishments, self-perception and public speaking skills. As state titleholder, Michelle has the opportunity to help break down the attitudinal barriers often faced by people with disabilities.”
“The 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act is this year, I am honored to be able to represent women with disabilities during this important year for our community,” explained Fridley. Michelle has been managing her own attendant services through CDR for several years and in the past year has been involved in numerous advocacy activities. Her personal goal is to see CDR’s services expanded into Seneca County so that people with disabilities there may live more independently.
“I feel that my wheelchair has given me legs, and CDR has given me wings!” Fridley added. “I am able to live in my own home and raise my daughter by myself. I also returned to school full-time to work on my degree in Healthcare Administration.”
Michelle and approximately 40 other advocates from the Greater Rochester Area will be traveling to Washington, DC, on April 24, 2010, to join with 500 advocated from across the nation. The group will begin its week in DC with a fundraiser on Sunday, April 25. The group will then engage in protests involving non-violent civil disobedience Monday through Wednesday.
Fridley will participate in the 2011 Ms. Wheelchair America Pageant in Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 9–15, 2010.
About CDR: Through its unique fusion of advocacy and services, the Center for Disability Rights, Inc. (CDR) works for the full integration, independence and civil rights of people with all types of disabilities. Established in 1990, the organization has increased its budget from about $300,000 to over $30 million and increased its scope from a local organization to one that has both a statewide and national impact and reputation. Additionally, CDR operates All About You (AAY), a subsidiary non-profit licensed home care agency. Based in Rochester, NY, CDR also has offices in Corning, Geneva and Albany. Visit www.cdrnys.org for more information.
Michelle Fridley’s story: Fun Run Michelle
Ms. Wheelchair America: www.mswheelchairamerica.org
ADAPT FUN*RUN: www.adaptfunrun.org