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Media Release
Contact: Chris Hilderbrant
August 2, 2010
NYS Supreme Court issues temporary stay against Monroe County
Center for Disability Rights proclaims major victory in first step of lawsuit
Rochester, NY – At approximately 2:00 PM this afternoon, Judge Richard Dollinger of the NYS Supreme Court issued a temporary stay against Monroe County’s efforts to discontinue its contract with the Center for Disability Rights to provide Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services (CDPAS).
“We were confident going in to court this morning that we had enough evidence that Monroe County’s decision to end this contract is both arbitrary and capricious,” said Bruce Darling, President/CEO of CDR. “In layman’s terms, what they’ve done is potentially illegal.”
The stay is in effect until August 13, 2010, preventing Monroe County from moving forward with its plan to close CDR’s CDPAS and transition every one of CDR’s consumers to other agencies. The NYS Supreme Court has ordered Monroe County to issue letters, in both English and Spanish, to all affected consumers, notifying them of the extended time frame.
“I’m so very relieved,” said Carmen Hernandez, CDPAS consumer with CDR. “I’ve been worried sick that I’d lose CDR and the services I’ve been happy with for 11 years. I helped develop this program – it’s my baby.” Ms. Hernandez, who has significant physical limitations due to her disability, credits CDR’s CDPAS for enabling her to raise her child.
“It’s clear now that the momentum is on our side,” said Chris Hilderbrant, CDR’s Chief Operating Officer, who has slept outside the County Office Building five of the last seven nights.
This legal victory in hand, protestors who have held vigil outside County Executive Brooks’ office since Monday July 26, the 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, broke down camp to return home – victorious for now.
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