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The life I live today began on July 15, 2000.
While driving when I was nine months pregnant, I came upon a blind hill to find a horse and buggy crossing in front of me. I swerved to miss the horse and a split second later, I met my destiny when my car met a concrete pole. I broke my neck and became an incomplete C5/C6 quadriplegic. Nine days later, I became the mom of a beautiful, healthy, and absolutely adorable little girl that I named Felicia.
I am very blessed to have the support I have received from my family and friends, but there comes a time when it’s too much. I can’t even begin to explain the feeling of being a burden on those you love. When I came into contact with CDR one year ago and learned of the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver (NHTD), I knew my life was about to change once again.
With unbelievable support and assistance from CDR, my daughter and I moved to Ontario County so that I could receive the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services (CDPAS) program, which allows me to manage my own home healthcare. I hire and supervise the people with whom I am most comfortable to provide me with the intimate care that I need, right in my own home. They know the personal effects of my disability and perform the skilled nursing duties I need to be able to function independently.
Now, almost 10 years after my accident, I feel that my wheelchair has given me legs, and CDR has given me wings! I am able to live in my own home and raise my daughter by myself. I also returned to school full-time to work on my degree in Healthcare Administration.
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Every day, there is more work to do to make the letter of the ADA a reality for people with disabilities. Every day, we need to safeguard the independence and freedom we’ve fought so long and hard to achieve. That’s why I participate in CDR’s advocacy efforts every chance I get, often with my daughter by my side.
This year I’m proud to be CDR’s Official FUN*RUNNER for the ADAPT FUN*RUN in Washington, DC, because the money I raise supports CDR’s ongoing advocacy to enforce the ADA in our community, and across the country. Please take a moment to support this crucial, life-changing work that means freedom and independence for people with disabilities, like me. Your pledge will help us reach our goal of $10,000. Do it now. You never know when your life could change in an instant.
Thank you!
Michelle Fridley