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Contact: Chris Hilderbrant, (585) 546-7510,childerbrant@cdrnys.org
March 13, 2012
Local Disability Rights Activist Appointed to NYS Council
Rochester, NY – Bruce E. Darling, President/CEO of the Center for Disability Rights, has been appointed to New York State’s Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council (MISCC). Mr. Darling, a resident of Greece, was nominated for appointment by State Senator Joe Robach (56th Senate District). Senator Joe Robach said, “To have a voice advocating on behalf of our residents with disabilities is very important. Having a local voice on this state board is a benefit for our community.”
The MISCC, which was created in statute, is a collaboration across ten state agencies that provide services to people with disabilities. The MISCC is charged with “developing a comprehensive Statewide plan to ensure that people of all ages with physical and mental disabilities receive care and services in the most integrated settings appropriate to their individual needs.” Mr. Darling joins the MISCC as one of nine community experts appointed to the council, (three by the Governor, three by the Senate and three by the Assembly).
Mr. Darling is well known across New York and the United States for his expertise on the issue and deeply held commitment to ensuring that all people with disabilities are able to live in the most integrated setting – which for most means their own home or apartment. “This is an exciting time to join the Council, I am honored that Senator Robach and Majority Leader Skelos have the confidence in me to select me to be part of making this critical Plan for New York,” stated Mr. Darling. “Governor Cuomo expressly committed to the creation of an Olmstead Implementation Plan this year. This is a much greater commitment than we received from any of his predecessors.”
Melanie Shaw, JD, Executive Director of the New York Association on Independent Living (NYAIL) stated, “The NYAIL and Independent Living community across New York State are extremely excited that Bruce Darling has been appointed by the New York State Senate to the MISCC. Bruce has been at the forefront of national, statewide, and local disability rights advocacy for decades. He was instrumental in the successful passage of the MISCC legislation in 2002. For far too long, the disability rights community has been shut out of the decision-making process of New York’s Olmstead implementation. Bruce’s membership on the MISCC is a first step toward the full inclusion of people with disabilities and disability-rights advocates in decisions about systemic changes that will profoundly impact all our lives. We are grateful to Governor Cuomo for his commitment to advance Olmstead implementation at last, we look forward to Bruce’s contribution to that process, and await increased inclusion of people with disabilities and advocates on the MISCC.”
As an activist, Mr. Darling has attended nearly every one of the quarterly meetings of the MISCC since its inception. His first meeting as a Council appointee will take place this Thursday, March 15, 2012. The meeting will begin at 1:00 PM and will be held in Meeting Room 6 in the Empire State Plaza in Albany. Meetings of the MISCC are open to the public and will be broadcast via internet.
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