Important Information for CDR Membership

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Membership Information for CDR

Center for Disability Rights (CDR) membership runs annually from September 1st to August 31st. If you have not done so already, and wish to remain (or become) a member of CDR, we encourage you to submit your membership dues!

It costs $5 annually to becoDIASchumer2me a member of CDR. As a member you have a vote in board elections, receive the CDR newsletter with up-to-date advocacy and program information, legislative updates on disability issues and notices for annual events!

Please fill out the form below and we will mail you an invoice for your membership. Minimum membership dues are $5.00 USD. You can also select the Donate button below to pay for your membership.

You can also download a PDF printable version of the Membership Form here: PDF version CDR Membership Form. Please mail completed from with cash or check to:

Attn: Linda Taylor
Center for Disability Rights
497 State Street
Rochester, New York 14608

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