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Since June 29th, members of Rochester ADAPT have been holding a vigil at the Monroe County Republican Committee office. Advocates are protesting the Senate healthcare bill, demanding that the committee oppose the attacks on disabled people’s freedom which are in the bill. “If Medicaid is cut my access to community services will be reduced. I rely on attendant services to help me live independently in the community”, said Ericka Jones, an organizer in Rochester ADAPT.
“We want Monroe County Republicans to signal their support for the liberty of people with disabilities by contacting their Republican colleagues in the US Senate and urging them to vote no on the Better Care Reconciliation Act”, said Anita Cameron, one of the organizers of the vigil and one of the 25 ADAPT members arrested on Wednesday.
Rochester ADAPT members have spent the last 4 days and nights on the sidewalk in front of the Republican Committee.
The vigil began just one day after a protest at this very office where 25 ADAPT activists were arrested and forced to leave the office.
ADAPT’s history, the issues Disability Advocates are fighting for and their activities can be followed on their web site at www.adapt.org