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Media Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Chris Hilderbrant, Cell (585) 267-0343
April 5, 2010
Center for Disability Rights works with nationally recognized expert to expand services to individuals who are Deaf-Blind.
Rochester, NY – The Center for Disability Rights (CDR) will be hosting an invite-only seminar focused on expanded and improved services to people in the Rochester area who are Deaf-Blind. CDR staff and other local service providers will be meeting with Jelica Nuccio, Executive Director of the Deaf-Blind Service Center (DBSC) in Seattle, Washington.
Ms. Nuccio, originally from Croatia, now lives in Seattle and has been very active in the Deaf-Blind community since she moved there from Atlanta, Georgia in 1997. Ms. Nuccio is former President of the Washington State Deaf-Blind Coalition and a Board member of the American Association of Deaf-Blind. Ms. Nuccio has an MA in Public Health from Emory and a BA in Biology from NTID/RIT.
“For many years, CDR has heard from our advisors in the Deaf community that there is a dire need for expanded and improved services for individuals who are Deaf-Blind,” said CDR President/CEO Bruce Darling. “We are pleased to be on a path to expand what we do to meet the needs of this unique community.”
Ms. Nuccio will be meeting with Rochester area providers and advocates to present the national curriculum developed for the provision of Support Service Provider (SSP) services. “CDR currently provides a limited amount of SSP but is very interested in doing much more,” said Chris Hilderbrant, CDR’s Chief Operating Officer. “We have some funding with which to expand, we are seeking more funding sources and we want to make sure we are providing the best possible service. I look forward to the improvements we can make with Ms. Nuccio’s information and assistance.”
The seminar will be held April 6, 2010 from 9:00 AM to Noon at CDR’s office at 497 State Street. The seminar is by invitation only to providers and advocates already involved in SSP services. CDR representatives and Ms. Nuccio will be available to the media following the seminar.