CDR Statement on the Events at the US Capitol Yesterday

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Yesterday it was confirmed that Georgia voters through a democratic and fair process elected the first Black Senator of their state and in the United States Capitol white supremacists used violence, terror and their privilege to try to destroy democracy. These two events are connected. Center for Disability Rights (CDR) condemns the actions of the terrorists, the police state that allow this to happen, the government officials and the President of the United States of America who participated in inciting this violent revolt. We are with our fellow civil and human rights organizations and community members who demand the immediate removal of the 45th President of the United States.

The actions of the past four years of this current administration were clear indications of the hate and furor that could be created from such a man. What happened at the US Capitol yesterday was the epitome of white privilege. It was steeped in racism and a part of the racists and hateful culture that was imbedded in the making of this country and continues to thrive to this day. There were no protests yesterday.

CDR has engaged in years of peaceful civil disobedience to fight for the rights of people with disabilities around the country and in our US Capitol. We have done so, just as many other organizations and thousands of other people do on a regularly basis, to demand that the government strengthen our civil and human rights. The actions perpetrated by terrorists at the Capitol yesterday were because they were angry about the fact that their candidate loss an election, and they were coached to create destruction.

The images of Capitol law enforcement inappropriately and actively engaging with the terrorists needs to be fully investigated and proper charges need to be brought against all who were involved in this violent revolt. Too many times these types of actions by law enforcement go unpunished. During the last few months, thousands in this country elevated the fact that #BlackLivesMatter and #BlackDisabledLivesMatter in response to these unfair and racists procedures.

We are in solidarity with the 720,000 plus residents of the District of Columbia many of whom demand statehood now. The District is healing today, as it was made clear yesterday that the power of its leadership was hindered by not being a state.

CDR is committed to ending racism and dismantling systems of oppression. We look toward our Congressional leadership to act immediately and hold all accountable by holding a full inquiry and investigation of yesterday’s actions.  We also are hopeful for an organized and peaceful transfer of power in the coming days.