CDR responds to Additional False Allegations by Monroe County

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Contact: Chris Hilderbrant

July 29, 2010

Rochester, NY – Monroe County has made additional false allegations regarding the behavior of the CEO of the Center for Disability Rights (CDR), Bruce Daring. These allegations are false. Please see the attached letter from CDR’s counsel, Matt Fusco, responding to the allegations made.

CDR is concerned that this represents yet another effort by Monroe County to distract from the actual issue at hand: its false allegations of neglect by CDR. The clients whose stories are identified in the July 14 letter from Commissioner Reed to County Executive Brooks have refuted the county’s allegations of neglect. Three of the additional cases investigated by Monroe County came forward to make statements to the press yesterday indicating that Monroe County had “lied” and that the allegations were “absurd”.

Videos of the statements made by the individuals are available at and at .

With the crux of their initial argument refuted, Monroe County is obviously trying to change the subject.

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CDR’s counsel, Matt Fusco, responds to the allegations made

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