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For immediate release:
May 6, 2011
Jenny Phillips
Center for Disability Rights, Inc.
(585) 546-7510 (V/TTY)
(585) 271-8558 (F)
CDR Hosts First-ever Garage Sale Fundraiser, May 20-22, 2011
The Center for Disability Rights (CDR) is going green, and it’s not due to all the rain this season. This May, CDR is hosting its first-ever Garage Sale fundraiser, Friday-Sunday, May 20-22. Each day the sale will take place from 9am-4pm at CDR’s downtown Rochester location, 497 State Street, rain or shine.
Placing an emphasis on recycling and reusing, CDR is selling items—ranging from used clothing, furniture, electronics, household goods, to children’s toys—that were all donated to the organization. What was once cluttering attics and collecting dust in basements will avoid a land-fill destiny; instead the donated items will be sold for a good cause.
By collecting used goods, CDR is hoping to provide an alternative outlet for people who might have ordinarily thrown the items away. With a specific flyer series for local Rochester college campuses, CDR is hoping to reach out to college students, and eliminate the amount of waste when students move out of off-campus housing or dorms at the end of the academic year. Instead of throwing away, why not donate?
All proceeds of the sale go towards CDR’s mission of independence, integration, and civil rights for individuals with disabilities in the community. CDR is a community-based non-profit organization that emphasizes advocacy and the provision of services to individuals with disabilities.
During the three days of the sale CDR will be providing much more than a typical garage sale experience. Friday through Sunday there will be a concession stand, games for children, face painting, and a 50/50 raffle. On Saturday, May 21, in the afternoon, Wala, a Zambian reggae gospel artist, will be performing at the sale. Admission to the performance is free.
On Sunday, May 22, all garage sale items are half-off.
For more information on CDR and the services it provides, visit www.cdrnys.org.
For more information about the sale, or if you’d like to donate items, contact Jenny Phillips at jphillips@cdrnys.org or (585) 546-7510.