Retribution of the R-Word

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Retribution of the R-Word

By: Nikki Rudd , WHEC News 10 NBC

Photo of Dan QuattroThe room was packed Tuesday night at the Monroe County Legislature meeting. It’s all over the use of the r-word by a County Legislator last month. Democrats accuse Majority Leader Dan Quatro of saying the slur. It’s a story we broke last week, but many people are still upset. This is a transcript of what was said at the July 14th meeting:

Clerk: Mr. Eckel?
Steve Eckel: Yes for whistle blower protection.
Clerk: Mr. Esposito?
Voice: Jesus…retard.

Those last two words were almost whispered, but people with disabilities packed the Legislative Chambers Tuesday night to have their voices heard loud and clear.

“I feel like I’m dying when you use that word,” Shelly Perrin said through an aid.
Miriam Helm said, “When someone uses the r-word it hurts me. I’m talking about retard.”

“That r-word is offensive,” said Bobbi Wallach. “It is mean. It’s hateful.”

Allen Fontaine added, “All people want is to be treated with respect and dignity.”

One by one people came with their complaints to the County Legislature. It was different faces but the same message.

“I’m just asking each and every one of you all never to make that comment again,” said Bernice Mack. “And you think that’s not fair? I ask you to walk a mile in my shoes.”

At one point, Majority Leader Dan Quatro was singled out.

“Really Dan if you said something like that you really should come forward and apologize,” said Nick Condalucci. “Did you say it?”

Quatro shook his head no, but here’s what he had to say to us.

“I’m manning up,” said Quatro. “I’m taking responsibility. No, I’m not admitting that I said it because I didn’t say it.”

One out of nearly 30 speakers had something good to say about Legislator Quatro.

“Obviously, he’s going to take a lot of grief tonight,” said Tom Gregory. “But one thing about him I know (is) his heart, and I stand here behind this podium and speak in his favor.”

On the other side of the aisle, Democrats weren’t afraid to point the finger.

“I’ve listened to the audio tape,” said Minority Leader Harry Bronson. “It sounds like Legislator Quatro.” Bronson says using the r-word is absolutely unacceptable. “We need to use this as a learning experience and a teachable moment,” said Bronson.

In the end Quatro still denies he said it but does say he’s sorry. “What I want to do is take responsibility, apologize as Majority Leader. The buck stops with me,” said Quatro.
Some members of the community have a few words of advice. Robert Terry said, “Just think about what you are going to say before you say it next time.”

“All I want is respect,” added Debra Duminuco. “Thank you.”

Speakers for the event were organised by CDR