Reader expresses concerns about the CDR cut

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Reader expresses concerns about the CDR cut

KAREN MYERS • READER SUBMITTED • Democrat and Chronicle, JULY 29, 2010

I write this in hopes that Maggie Brooks will reconsider cutting ties with the Center for Disability Rights(CDR). CDR does alot of good for so many and the few bad apples should not shut down their whole home care program. This is just plain WRONG. Even Monroe County’s Republican Party has had major corrupt activity. Did the whole party get shut down, of course not! This also reminds me of my school days when one person would do something and the whole class had to pay! I have to believe this is more about money and politics, NOT CDR. This smells to me like corruption on Maggie Brooks part. Wonder who she wants to give this money to? This decision sets disability rights in Monroe County back to decades ago. There are going to be problems in any organization but problems can be fixed! Let the disabled keep their right to choose!