Protestors Rally Against Proposed Cuts to Disability Services

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Protestors Rally Against Proposed Cuts to Disability Services

By: Mike Hedeen
January 26, 2010 YNN Rochester

Governor David Paterson was in Rochester Tuesday to talk about his proposed budget.

One of the areas the governor is looking to cut is the amount of funding for personal aide care to those with disabilities.

He was greeted by nearly 100 protesters who rely on those aides to lead an independent live. Paterson would also like a cap in home aide services to 12 hours per day.

Many believe any cuts and caps on personal aide services would strip them of their independence and force them to live in nursing homes.

“In the proposal, I will be very blunt. We were trying to save money, but we thought we could try to save money specifically without injuring care. If that’s what we’re actually doing then we have to sit down and go through the program,” Governor Paterson said.

The Center for Disability Rights plans on taking this cause to Albany on Monday. The governor promised to meet with them then to sit down and discuss this issue.