Majority leader takes responsibility for use of ‘r-word’

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Majority leader takes responsibility for use of ‘r-word’

Jill Terreri, Staff writer, August 12, 2009
Democrat and Chronicle

Though there was no apology to the crowd that packed the Monroe County Legislature chamber yesterday, the Center for Disability Rights is weighing whether Majority Leader Dan Quatro’s statement that he takes responsibility for use of the word “retard” is enough.

Quatro told reporters after last night’s meeting that he apologized that it was used during the July 14 meeting, though he refuses to say who said it.

“I will apologize as majority leader,” Quatro said.

The Center for Disability Rights will accept Majority Leader Dan Quatro’s apology on behalf of the legislature, a spokesman said today.

Director of Advocacy Chris Hilderbrant said the center has called Quatro and would like to discuss sensitivity training for lawmakers and changing government documents to include “person-first” language that is not disrespectful to people with disabilities.