Legislature Gets an Earful on the R Word

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Legislature Gets an Earful on the R Word

By: Scott Patterson
Your News Now Rochester, August 12, 2009

The Monroe County Legislature got an earful from members of Rochester area’s disabled community. It stems from a comment made at last week’s meeting, where a legislator used a derogatory word aimed at a colleague.

“I hate that word,” one speaker struggled to get across during a comment session.

They may have had some trouble getting the words out, but their message came through loud and clear.

“Just because I have CP and am in a wheelchair doesn’t make me a retard,” said the same speaker.

Republican Majority Leader Dan Quatro has been accused of using the “R word.” He says it wasn’t him.

“One of yous out there must know who said this word,” said one speaker. “Someone has to know who did it. Apologize.”

“I don’t like the example that’s being set when we cower like seventh graders who know that somebody did something and that the teacher’s going to catch them unless we stick together,” said another speaker.

Some speakers said the entire legislature is guilty by virtue of not calling out whoever said it.

“Your silence on this is compliance as far as we’re concerned,” said Bruce Darling of the Center for Disability Rights. “None of you are innocent.”

No one did come forward. While it may not be a seventh grade classroom, it was tough not to learn a lesson.

“All I have is MS, which has affected my speech,” said one speaker, clearly struggling to say the words that were so clear in her head. “It’s horrible when people treat me like I’m different and don’t give me time to finish what I want to say. All I want is respect!”

Many in the disabled community say this whole thing could have been avoided with a simple apology. In the absence of one, they say the legislature can expect to hear much more from them.