Disabled group ready to accept apology for “R-word”

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Disabled group ready to accept apology for “R-word”

By: Berkeley Brean
News 10 NBC Rochester, August 12, 2009

News 10NBC has learned that the Center for Disability Rights is prepared to accept the apology over use of the “R-word.”

This is a transcript of what was said at the July 14th meeting of the County Legislature:

Clerk: Mr. Eckel?
Steve Eckel: Yes for whistle blower protection.
Clerk: Mr. Esposito?
Voice: Jesus…retard.

County Democrats say it was Majority Leader Dan Quatro who said the word. When News 10NBC broke the story, Quatro told us, “it doesn’t sound like me. I have absolutely no recollection of saying anything like that.”

During a packed meeting last night at the County Legislature, Quatro said, “I’m manning up. I’m taking responsibility. No, I’m not admitting that I said it because I didn’t say it.”

“What I want to do is take responsibility, apologize as Majority Leader. The buck stops with me,” said Quatro.

Here is the statement from the Center for Disability Rights.

“The Center for Disability Rights is willing to accept the apology of Majority Leader Quatro on behalf of himself, his caucus, and the full legislature. We look forward to speaking with him directly. CDR is disappointed that no individual has admitted to uttering the remark in question, but with Mr. Quatro’s response to the media after the August 11 meeting of the legislature, it appears clear that all legislators were affected by the deeply personal stories shared by many individuals with disabilities.

CDR hopes to work with other disability organizations, self-advocates, Mr. Quatro and Minority Leader Harry Bronson to arrange a sensitivity training conducted by people with disabilities for all legislators.

CDR is aware that Minority Leader Bronson has introduced a resolution to require person first, respectful language be used within Monroe County’s Government. CDR recently discussed a similar effort with Majority Leader Quatro. CDR hopes that this will quickly become a bipartisan effort, with the disability community, to heal and move forward together.”

Watch the official county video here | Watch the alternate video here

The official county video tape of the meeting does not show Mr. Quatro saying the words, but video tape from a different angle — provided by county Democrats — shows Mr. Quatro’s microphone was the only one close to any Republican lawmaker’s mouth. And the timing shows that Mr. Quatro moves it away from his mouth right after the comment was made. Mr. Quatro was the only Republican lawmaker to speak at the meeting for a long period of time prior to the comment.