Disability-rights group steps up Ryan protests

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Disability-rights group steps up Ryan protests

By Shawna Thomas

The disability rights group, ADAPT, whose members are lining the halls of Longworth protesting the block-grant provisions in Rep. Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget have escalated their protest — 11 members of the group were sitting in the front room of his personal office chanting, “We want Ryan. No more block grants.”

Those members started to wheel themselves out, and at the urging of the leader of the group, stood and sat in the middle of the hall and chanted, “We want Ryan.”

Dozens of Capitol Police have gathered near the protesters, and they’ve pulled up busses outside, so arrest of some of the members seems imminent.

Yesterday, 91 members were arrested after staging a protest in the Cannon House office building. They were able to meet with Ryan’s chief of staff yesterday as well