County cuts ties with CDR

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County cuts ties with CDR

Posted at: 07/23/2010 4:23 PM | Updated at: 07/23/2010 4:56 PM
News 10 NBC

Complaints followed by an investigation led to Monroe County cutting its ties with the Center for Disability Rights.

CDR had a multi-million dollar contract with the county, which allowed disabled or chronically ill patients to hire their own home health aids through CDR.

The county said after a thorough investigation it discovered some patients were being left unattended for days.

CDR officials says there’s a lot of misunderstanding and wants the county to reconsider.

“We believe that this is an extreme response to isolated incidents and it seems at this point that it’s based on a misunderstanding of what our role is,” said Bruce Darling, Center for Disability Rights CEO.

“No one will be held to a different standard because they are an advocacy group. We made a decision, and we will stand by that decision,” said Maggie Brooks, Monroe County Executive.

The county says it has sent a letter out to patients with options from other home health care vendors.