Controversy Continues over use of “r-word”

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Controversy Continues over use of “r-word”

Carlet Cleare (2009-08-10)
ROCHESTER, NY (WXXI) – The Center for Disability Rights is asking the entire community not to use the “r-word” or “retard.”

And the organization is calling on Monroe County leaders to publicly apologize for using the word during a recent Monroe County Legislature meeting. Republican Majority Leader Dan Quatro allegedly called a Democratic colleague a “retard.” Center spokesperson Bruce Darling says if they don’t get the apology, they’ll step up their advocacy efforts.

“We look to the leadership to step up and say this word was wrong because we wanted someone in authority to tell the community, Don’t do this.'”
Monroe County officials have sent letters to the center expressing their regrets. But Darling says general apologies and isolated “sound bites” aren’t enough.
Quatro has never openly admitted to using the word, but acknowledges it was used in the legislature meeting. He says the controversy over who said it, misses the main issue.

“I think that what’s important is we understand the sensitivity this community has for the use of the r-word,’ for lack of a better characterization,” said Quatro, who adds he has had a personal meeting with the director of the Center for Disability Rights.

Members of the disabled community plan to be at the Monroe County Legislature meeting for public comment tomorrow evening at six.