Center for Disability Rights calls Monroe County allegations false

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Center for Disability Rights calls Monroe County allegations false

Patti Singer • Staff writer • July 23, 2010

Democrat and Chronicle

The Center for Disability Rights this morning called “absolutely false” allegations by Monroe County that CDR’s personal attendant program was guilty of widespread neglect.

CDR’s chief executive officer, Bruce Darling, and Chief Operating Officer Chris Hilderbrant said that the county’s allegations were isolated instances and there has not been proof of widespread problems, They said they sent a letter this morning to County Executive Maggie Brooks requesting a meeting to discuss the matter.

They said they think the issue arose over a misunderstanding on the county’s part of what the consumer directed personal attendant program, or CDPAP, is about.

The program is different from traditional home care in that the client or a designee hires, manages and supervises the attendants. Of the 361 CDPAP clients in the county, CDR has enrolled 303. Five other agencies contract with the county to provide the service.

In a news release on Thursday, the county said that because of the allegations it was ending a contract with CDR that had gone back to 1998.