C.D.R. vs. Monroe County

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C.D.R. vs. Monroe County

Posted at: 08/23/2010 4:46 PM | Updated at: 08/23/2010 4:55 PM
By: Nikki Rudd | WHEC.com

The fight isn’t over yet.

The Center for Disability Rights was back in State Supreme Court today as part of its lawsuit against Monroe County.

Today was the county’s deadline for CDR clients to choose a new vendor. That deadline has been extended but no final decisions were made. Judge John Ark has reserved decision.

CDR filed a lawsuit last month after the county ended its contract to provide home health aides to clients. The county cited widespread neglect and advised clients to pick a new vendor.

CDR disputes the allegations. Hundreds of people with disabilities have rallied with CDR to continue receiving services.

Today, the county says it is standing firm and no longer wants to do business with CDR. But CDR officials want another hearing before Judge Ark and want him to decide if the county’s decision to end its relationship with CDR was fair. CDR also wants its name cleared.

Chris Hilderbrant of the Center for Disability Rights said, “They’ve distorted and smeared our reputation. When we started this whole crisis, we had 300 people, 360 in this county were receiving services from CDR. Five out of six people can’t be wrong. They’re choosing us for a reason.”

So far, about 25 of CDR’s 300+ clients have switched to new vendors. About half of the clients have responded to a county letter to transition their services.

The county said even though its original deadline was today, no one will lose services until Judge Ark makes a decision. People will continue to receive services through CDR, at least for now.