Both Sides Claim Victory in CDR Dispute

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Both Sides Claim Victory in CDR Dispute

By: YNN Staff

The dispute between the Center for Disability Rights and Monroe County over the county’s termination of a contract with CDR has ended up in court.

Although there appears to be a ruling, it is unclear, at least at this point, who the judge sided with.

CDR has been protesting for more than a week the county’s termination of a contract to provide consumer-directed personal assistance services.

In a statement Monday, the organization proclaimed victory in the first step of a lawsuit to overturn the termination.

CDR issued a statement Monday afternoon stating Judge Richard Dollinger of the New York Supreme Court issued a temporary stay against the county, but the county also issued a statement and it said the judge denied an application for a stay.

The two sides do agree on one thing: the deadline for clients to chose a new service provider was extended until August 13.

We will have more on this story later on YNN.