Activists shout down Pelosi

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Activists shout down Pelosi

By David Eldridge, Washington Times

9:31 a.m., Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Photo of Stephanie Miller on Pelosi protestAbout two dozen banner-carrying, slogan-shouting protesters disrupted a speech Tuesday morning by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The protesters, led by a woman in a wheelchair, began shouting shortly after Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, appeared onstage at the Campaign for America’s Future conference, a three-day gathering of progressives at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington.

Among the protesters were members of ADAPT, a disabled-rights advocacy group unhappy with the health care bill, and several members of Code Pink.

When hotel and event officials moved to remove the protesters, Mrs. Pelosi intervened, urging officials to let them speak.

After several minutes of protesters shouting, “Our homes, not nursing homes,” the speaker gamely plowed ahead with her speech, delivering her address on the Democratic Party’s accomplishments of the past year.