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Andrew Cuomo’s record – at best – makes him a deeply inappropriate choice for Mayor of New York City or any governmental office. As the Governor of New York, his actions during the COVID-19 pandemic – particularly the policies that led to the needless deaths of over 14,000 people in nursing facilities – demonstrated a shocking disregard for the lives of people with disabilities. He refused to provide ASL interpreters, and Deaf New Yorkers were forced to had to sue the state to get access to his COVID briefings. His administration refused to engage the Disability Community when we tried to ensure that vaccination sites and systems were accessible to people with disabilities. Furthermore, as Governor, Andrew Cuomo repeatedly vetoed critical legislation designed to advance the rights of Disabled New Yorkers, including bills aimed at improving accessibility, increasing support services, and ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities. His actions not only hindered our progress in advancing the right of people with disabilities in New York, but also sent a message from his bully pulpit that Disabled New Yorkers are not valued, respected, or important. CDR believes that Andrew Cuomo’s history of ableism, neglect, and indifference toward people with disabilities – as well as his other inappropriate behavior – should disqualify him from public office.
We acknowledge the possibility that the former Governor of New York may have changed, but he has not demonstrated that so far. If so, Andrew Cuomo needs to meet with representatives from CDR and the Disability Community to explain how he intends to move forward from his history of ableist oppression.
Finally, the Democratic party needs to consider the message that advancing him as a Democratic candidate would send to the Disability Community and NYC voters with disabilities. If the Democratic party supports Andrew Cuomo as a candidate, CDR would like to know how many Disabled New Yorkers need to die under a public official to disqualify them as a candidate in the Democratic Party.