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Yesterday’s Twitter Chat on Youth with Disabilities, was incredibly engaging. Our co-hosts, Jensen Caraballo and Jeiri Flores, youth members from the Regional Center for Independent Living’s YO! Youth Own group, and Kings Floyd, a youth advocate from the National Council on Independent Living, came together for our #CDRchat! Personal experiences and amazing opinions were exchanged on advocacy, disability pride, and youth groups.
Thank you to all who participated and joined in on our #CDRchat. I’ve put together all the tweets from the chat for you to learn about youth advocacy. You can also visit our partnership organization’s website at www.rcil.org or RCIL’s Yo! Youth Own site at www.rcilyo.org for information about services and supports for youths with disabilities.
Join us next month for our #CDRchat Twitter Chat about Deaf Insight & Advocacy on September 15th at 2pm!