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#CDRchat Twitter Session
Want to learn more about what life was like for people with disabilities before the Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA, was founded and how it is progressing today? We’re hosting a 45 mins to an hour Twitter chat with our Director of Advocacy, Stephanie Woodward, Founder & CEO of Ramp Your Voice!, Vilissa Thompson, and President/CEO of Not Dead Yet, Diane Coleman, on July 14th at 2pm! Follow the chat on Twitter with hashtag #CDRchat!
How to participate:
– When the chat begins, check out the live-stream: http://twubs.com/CDRchat or search #CDRchat on Twitter for live tweets.
– Follow @CDRNYS, @istepfunny, @VilissaThompson, and @ndycoleman on Twitter.
– Use the hashtag #CDRchat when you tweet.
– Check out the article explaining how to participate in a Twitter chat! https://storify.com/RutiRegan/examplechat
Twitter Co-Hosts:
Diane Coleman
Twitter: @ndycoleman
Diane Coleman is President and CEO of Not Dead Yet, a national grassroots disability rights organization opposing the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia. She has used a motorized wheelchair since the age of eleven. She attended the University of Illinois in the ’70’s, and UCLA, finishing in 1981, and then worked as an attorney for the State of California for seven years. Beginning in 1987, she volunteered as an organizer for ADAPT, and organized new ADAPT chapters in California and Tennessee. She also served as a member of the California Attorney General’s Commission on Disability. Relocating to Tennessee in 1989, she became Co-Director of the Technology Access Center of Middle Tennessee and served on the Tennessee Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. From 1996 until 2008, she was Executive Director of Progress Center for Independent Living in Forest Park, Illinois. She also served as a member of the Illinois State Medicaid Advisory Committee, Long Term Care Council, and Money Follows the Person Advisory Council. From 2008 to 2011, she served as Assistant Director and then Director of Advocacy at the Center for Disability Rights in Rochester, New York.
Vilissa Thompson
Twitter: @VilissaThompson
Vilissa Thompson is a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) from Winnsboro, SC. Vilissa is the Founder & CEO of Ramp Your Voice!, @RampYourVoice, an organization focused on promoting self-advocacy and strengthening empowerment among people with disabilities. Being a Disability Rights Consultant, Writer, & Advocate affords Vilissa the opportunity to become a prominent leader and expert in addressing and educating the public and political figures about the plight of people with disabilities, especially women of color with disabilities. Being a disabled woman of color herself, sharing her life experiences, and tales from the women she has encountered during her advocacy work, has empowered her immensely because it validated the struggles and successes she endured in her young life.
Stephanie Woodward
Twitter: @istepfunny
Stephanie began working with CDR as an intern in 2008 and was later hired as the Transportation Advocate before attending law school. Stephanie attended Syracuse University College of Law where she earned her J.D. with a certificate in Disability Law and Policy and her M.S.Ed. in Disability Studies. Prior to returning to CDR as the Director of Advocacy, Stephanie worked as a litigator in Miami, Florida focusing on Disability Rights law. Stephanie is a proud disabled person and member of ADAPT, a national grass-roots community that organizes to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom. Stephanie has been arrested multiple times while advocating for Disability Rights. While Stephanie’s work spans across all areas of Disability Rights, she is particularly interested in deinstitutionalization, community living, ending violence against people with disabilities, and improving access in the community.
For information about the ADA: https://www.ada.gov/ada_intro.htm
Additional information about the ADA: https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/disability/ada
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity on ADA: https://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-ada.html
We are looking forward to discussing the Americans with Disabilities Act! Join us in the twitter #CDRchat on July 14th at 2pm!