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#CDRchat, presented by the Center for Disability Rights, is aimed at broadening the conversation on a wide variety of disability issues. This month’s chat will be guest hosted by Carrie Ann Lucas, founder and executive director of Disabled Parents Rights, Julie Farrar, policy fellow of Center for Disability Rights, and Morénike Giwa-Onaiwu, global community advocate and writer! For this month’s Chat we are excited to discuss the topic: “Disability & Parenting.” You are welcome to join in on the chat! Tune in on Thursday, March 16th, at 3pm EST!
To participate, you can find the questions for this chat in this post. There will be a recap of the chat posted here.
How to Participate:
Follow @CDRNYS, @disabilitycubed, @SaveRyanWhiteD and @farrarjcee on Twitter
When it’s time, search #CDRchat on Twitter for the series of live tweets under the ‘Live’ tab for the full conversation.
If you might be overwhelmed by the volume of tweets and only want to see the chat’s questions, check @CDRNYS’s tweets. Each question will tweeted 4-5 minutes apart.
Check out this explanation of how to participate in a twitter chat by Ruti Regan: https://storify.com/RutiRegan/examplechat
Check out this captioned #ASL explanation of how to participate in a chat by @behearddc: https://www.facebook.com/HEARDDC/videos/1181213075257528/
Please remember to use the #CDRchat hashtag when you tweet.
If you respond to a question such as Q1, your tweet should follow this format: “A1 [your message] #CDRchat”
#CDRchat Questions:
Q1: What do you want people to know about being a parent with a disability or a being the child of a disabled parent?
Q2: How can people erase the stigma of people with disabilities in parenting roles?
Q3: What do you do as a parent that you think is different from non-disabled parents?
Q4: Share some stories on parenting experiences and what you’ve learned from it.
Q5: What advice do you have for other people (grandparents, teachers, etc) regarding a person with a disability having children?
Q6: What are some myths about being in a parenting role or having a disabled parent that should be disputed?
Q7: Is more support needed to ensure people with disabilities can become parents? Why or why not?
Q8: What advice do you have for people who have a disability who may want to grow their families?
Q9: Share your Disability & Parenting tips with us- we want to hear what you have to say.