Join the #CDRchat on Sept 20th: Ridesharing Access Barriers

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Do you want the opportunity to share your experiences with ridesharing, and the barriers you have faced? Do you have ideas or advice to share on how best to advocate for the improvement of accessibility to ridesharing companies for everyone in the community? For the month of September, the #CDRchat will be discussing the issues of ridesharing transportation affecting the Disability community. Co-hosting the chat will be Kelley Simoneaux of Washington, DC, Jose Hernandez of New York, and Madonna Long of Pennsylvania. Tune in on Wednesday, September 20th at 3pm Eastern Time for the #CDRchat Twitter chat!

Check out the questions below that will be presented during the Twitter chat on Wednesday! If you cannot participate, you will have an opportunity to tweet your answers after the chat! There will be a recap of the chat posted here.

Image of roads with faded lights on street and cityscape at night. Yellow bars with black text state: "#CDRchat. Sept 20. 3pm EST. Ridesharing Access Barriers."

How to Participate:

Follow @CDRNYS, @madonnalong, @pushylawyer, and @ezjose1 on Twitter

When it’s time, search #CDRchat on Twitter for the series of live tweets under the ‘Live’ tab for the full conversation.

If you might be overwhelmed by the volume of tweets and only want to see the chat’s questions, check @CDRNYS’s tweets. Each question will tweeted 4-5 minutes apart.

Check out this explanation of how to participate in a twitter chat by Ruti Regan:

Check out this captioned #ASL explanation of how to participate in a chat by @behearddc

Please remember to use the #CDRchat hashtag when you tweet.

If you respond to a question such as Q1, your tweet should follow this format: “A1 [your message] #CDRchat

Twitter Chat Questions:

Q1: How are people with disabilities left out of ridesharing in the community? 

Q2: Have you or a friend experienced discrimination in relation to ridesharing? Tell us about it. 

Q3: What is something you wish more people knew about the #ADA or #disabilityrights when it comes to ridesharing?

Q4: How can ridesharing companies improve accessibility?

Q5: Some places, such as PA, have some accessible ridesharing vehicles. Do you think this is a success? What more needs to be done?

Q6: What would you suggest to advocates on how best to ensure ridesharing is accessible?

Q7: What resources can disabled people utilize if they feel their rights to ridesharing have be violated?

Q8: What advice do you have for people that want to bring awareness about these issues to their communities?