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Join Us this Thursday, August 11th at 2pm!
#CDRchat about Youth With Disabilities
Do you want to know what youths with disabilities have to say about advocacy, the disability rights movement and youth groups? Join us on Thursday, August 11th at 2pm for our #CDRchat twitter chat! We’re hosting a 45 minutes to an hour Twitter chat with two youth members, Jensen Caraballo and Jeiri Flores, from the Regional Center for Independent Living’s Youth Own, and Kings Floyd, a youth advocate from the National Council on Independent Living.
How to participate:
– When the chat begins, check out the live-stream: http://twubs.com/CDRchat or search #CDRchat on Twitter for live tweets.
– Follow @CDRNYS, @GimpJensen, @bebasworld, and @youth_fellow on Twitter.
– Use the hashtag #CDRchat when you tweet.
– Check out the article explaining how to participate in a Twitter chat! https://storify.com/RutiRegan/examplechat
Twitter Co-hosts:
Jensen Caraballo
Twitter: @GimpJensen
Jensen Caraballo is a proud activist with a disability in Rochester, NY, a mentor for Regional Center for Independent Living’s YO! – Youth Own, and a member of ADAPT. He is passionate about the equality, civil rights, and freedom of people with disabilities. Jensen is also the recipient of the 2015 Diana Viets Award for his dedication and commitment to improving the lives of young people with disabilities.
Jeiri Flores
Twitter: @bebasworld
Jeiri Flores is a disability rights enthusiast in Rochester, NY. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and African American Studies from SUNY Brockport in 2014. She believes that people from all walks, rolls, or crawls of life deserve to obtain higher education if they desire to, so Jeiri aims to change the culture of the US college campuses. Jeiri is also a proud activist and member of Regional Center for Independent Living’s Youth Own program.
Kings Floyd
Twitter: @youth_fellow
Kings Floyd is a disability advocate and the Youth Transition Fellow at National Council on Independent Living. She lives in Washington, DC, but is originally from New England, and graduated with a BA in English from High Point University in 2016. Her interests include global advocacy, access to language and technology, disability rights and policy, and making public and private colleges more accessible. She speaks fluent French, loves to cook, and will never turn down an adventure.
We are looking forward to discussing Youths with Disabilities! Join us in the twitter #CDRchat on August 11th at 2pm!