- Emily Munson
- January 4, 2016
From the mouths of babes. It took a boy at a town hall meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to inject disability into the political conversation….Read More

- Emily Munson
- December 21, 2015
Three for Three: All the Candidates Disappointed I wasn’t sure what to expect from Saturday night’s Democratic debate on foreign policy; traditionally, national defense is…Read More

- Emily Munson
- December 17, 2015
Republicans Strategize and Engage: The National Security Debate Tuesday night’s Republican Presidential Debate afforded the front runners – Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Carson, Christie, Fiorina,…Read More

- Emily Munson
- December 17, 2015
Disability Finally Mentioned in Presidential Campaign When I heard Donald Trump came out with a new book called Crippled America, I was really excited. Subtitled…Read More

- Emily Munson
- November 17, 2015
Explosions, Verbal and Otherwise: The Second Democratic Debate The terrorist attacks in Paris sent shockwaves across the globe, including through Saturday’s democratic debate in Des…Read More

- Emily Munson
- October 29, 2015
Third Time’s Not a Charm Ten frontrunners for the Republican presidential nomination (i.e., Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush,…Read More