- Andrew Pulrang
- June 18, 2018
Are you ready for another election season? Not in 2020, this year. Believe it or not, it’s time for the “Midterm” elections. Why are…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- November 17, 2016
It has been a little over a week since Election Day, which is probably just enough time to recover and think about what we have…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- November 8, 2016
If you are already excited to vote and have your candidates all picked out, you’re going to be fine. The following points are mainly for…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- October 27, 2016
What happened was this. Late in the final Presidential debate last week, Hillary Clinton said the word, “divisiveness,” and I misheard, thinking she’d said “dismissiveness.”…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- October 14, 2016
I missed the first ten minutes of Sunday night’s Presidential Debate. #Sorry/NotSorry. I guess missing ten minutes wasn’t enough. If I had managed to miss…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- October 7, 2016
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Interrupting cow. … The last thing I expected was for Tuesday’s Vice-Presidential debate, between Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Mike Pence,…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- September 30, 2016
After about ten months of campaigning, the final stage is finally underway. The Democratic and Republican nominees have debated head-to-head. Was it a wild affair…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- September 26, 2016
I was all set to write about the Hillary Clinton campaign’s approach to disability issues and disabled voters, after watching Clinton’s Thursday speech on disability…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- September 14, 2016
Disability activists talk all the time about the huge problems we face, stuff that we need, and what we should have the right to do….Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- August 24, 2016
Two Saturdays ago, I decided to try and watch sailing at the Rio Olympics. Of course, I fell into a deep sleep. And just like…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- August 11, 2016
I was having a bad disability day. You probably know what I mean … the kind of day that reminds us that while disability can…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- July 12, 2016
Raise your hand if you’ve heard or read something like this: “Nothing’s ever good enough for you people! What more do you want? You disabled…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- June 17, 2016
You’re a disability activist. Maybe you’ve been involved for years; maybe you’re just learning about disability issues. Either way, you might be wondering how to…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- June 2, 2016
The primary debates are over, Donald Trump changes his mind again and decides to debate Bernie Sanders after all. Now is a good time to…Read More

- Andrew Pulrang
- May 18, 2016
The Primary debates are over. So, where are we now? Unless serious weirdness breaks out at the Republican Convention, we pretty much know Donald Trump…Read More