Welcome Scott! Joining in the Queens Against Goodwill campaign

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Queen Team

Queens Against Goodwill!

“My name is Scott and I think the Queens Against Goodwill campaign is an EXCELLENT idea! People need to be made aware of the issue of Subminimum Wages. It seems like most people don’t know or don’t care that often through certificates, people with disabilities are forced to make lower wages than people without disabilities. We need to do better as a society and make sure that all people are paid fairly.

While researching thScottis issue, the data on wages I saw was disgusting.  A lot of the information put people into categories of disability. What is worse, it also stated what the IQ of the person was. This is not something that should be considered for any job!”

Thank you Scott for being an ally in our campaign for equal pay for people with disabilities!

Are you a Queen/King that also thinks people with disabilities should be paid fairly? Send us an email at QueenTeam@cdrnys.org.

Image Description: In the image, Scott is dressed as disabled artist Frida Kahlo. He is wearing a black long-sleeved dress with a multicolored capelet. He  is wearing glasses and a red head wrap with red and white flowers on top.