To Vote or Not To Vote That is the Question

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Kenneth Bremer

The right to vote is the supreme power that we possess as citizens of the United States of America. Many people have fought and died so that we can have this right. We as a collective body, have the voting power to influence political candidates to support our cause. The Disability Community needs to band together and vote for those candidates that will help further our cause for equal access, health care and other issues that become prevalent.

I have been voting in every election since I turned eighteen and I would not have it any other way. Our forefathers intended everyone to have a voice in how this nation is governed and everyone across this land now has the right to vote. It is vital that everyone expresses their voice in the election process.

By listening to political debates, reading newspapers and attending live political forums, we as citizens can better understand what values and programs the candidates are forming with their campaigns. It is vital that disabled citizens research the political platforms the candidates stand on. Do the candidates support social justice programs? Do they want to cut social services for people as a method of cutting government spending? This may adversely affect people with disabilities and their ability to receive those programs necessary for independent living.

We at CDR try to help people do this research on candidates by holding our annual candidate forums and posting survey answers on our website.

On November 8th, please go out and vote. Three Rochester companies are providing 10 rides each to the disability community. If you need a ride to the polls, please call one of them by Friday, November 4th. They ask that when you call, please be flexible in the time you ask for as they still have medical transports to do that day. The three companies and their phone numbers are:

Medicab Transportation: 342-7150
Medical Motor Service: 654-7030
Monroe Ambulance and Medical Transportation: 232-9000

Riders should give location of polling place when setting up the ride. For information, call the Monroe County Board of Elections at 753-1550 or go to

Exercise your right as an American citizen. See you at the polls!

If you have any troubles with accessiblity on Election Day, please give us a call at CDR. (585) 546-7510