The Top 10 Things That Annoy People Who Use Wheelchairs

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Terrie Lincoln

I recently received an interesting email from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. It was an article called, The Top 10 Things That Annoy People Who Use Wheelchairs. After reading the list I realized that I encounter some of these things on a daily basis from friends, family and co-workers.

As you read the list, ask yourself if you have ever done any of these annoying things. At times, we are all guilty of doing one or more of these. Can you imagine how the person in a wheelchair must feel? If not, think about how you would feel if you used a wheelchair and had any of this happen to you. The other day a co-worker congratulated me for riding Lift Line by myself (which I do all the time). I felt like they were saying I needed to receive a gold star or a pizza party.So, the next time you find yourself doing annoying acts, stop, think about what you are doing, and DON’T DO IT! Better yet, talk to someone who uses a wheelchair and find out how they feel about this. Learn from them. Barring that, put this list on your refrigerator, by your bedside, or in your purse – somewhere you won’t forget. Study it over and over, and take notes. Remember – if you think that what you are about to do or say might hurt someone’s feelings or hinder their access, don’t do it!

Here’s the official list of the Top 10 Things that Annoy People who use Wheelchairs:

  1. Able-bodied people parking in accessible parking spaces 37%
  2. Accessible bathroom stalls being used by an able-bodied person 12%
  3. Talking over my head as if I’m not here 9%
  4. Continuing to insist on helping me after I’ve said no thanks 8.3%
  5. Congratulating me for things like going to the grocery store like it’s worthy of an Olympic medal 6.1%
  6. Strangers asking what happened to me 5.7%
  7. Not inviting me to an event because you are protecting me from some frustration (let me figure it out) 5.3%
  8. Patting me on my head. Don’t. 5.0%
  9. Holding on to the back of my chair so I can’t move 4.4%
  10. Speaking slowly to me because I’m in a wheelchair 3.5%