The Executive Budget – What to expect

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Leah Farrell

Yesterday, Governor Cuomo released his 2011-2012 Executive Budget. Like we do every year, CDR will issue an overview of the budget’s impact on people with disabilities.

We are working on that overview; however, you can expect it to look different this year. Yes, we will identify program changes in health care, pharmaceuticals, housing, independent living etc. – and note what we support and what we oppose – but the bulk of the budget proposals are not actually in the Executive Budget.

If you’ve read Diane Coleman’s blog, then you are aware of the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) – a panel of 27 health care experts predominantly comprised of providers and unions. In the Executive Budget, the Governor identified a Medicaid reduction target of $2.85B (billion) in FY2011. This overall Medicaid reduction is primarily needed due to reduced federal funding for the state. The Medicaid Redesign Team is charged with submitting a report on March 1 that outlines reforms for achieving the Governor’s Medicaid reduction target of $2.85B.

Similarly, the Spending and Government Efficiency (SAGE) Commission is charged with “recommending ways to eliminate at least 20 percent of the total number of agencies, authorities and other bodies as well as identifying improvements that can increase efficiency,” according to the Governor’s office. Like the MRT, SAGE will be making recommendations on reforming government operations that could have significant impacts on people with disabilities.
CDR is actively making recommendations to the Administration that save the state money while promoting integration and independence. A copy of the report can be found on

As always CDR will share information through our blog, emails, social media outlets, and all of the venues we use to keep you informed and engaged as advocates. Stay tuned!

Click here to read CDR’s statement on yesterday’s Budget Address, “People With Disabilities Ready to Take the Governor’s Charge.”