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Take action today and over the next few days to stop the Graham-Cassidy repeal proposal from gaining any more traction in the Senate!
This effort will derail any bi-partisan action on cost sharing reductions and could lead to the decimation of Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Republicans have only two weeks before their ability to pass an ACA repeal with 51 votes expires on September 30. Reports are they are getting close to the needed number of votes- even though the public is more opposed to ACA repeal than ever. This vote has moved up on the list of Republican priorities and must move up on ours!
We need everyone to call offices asking Members to reject Graham-Cassidy and remind them that it still does all the bad things that the other repeal bills did:
- Ends Medicaid As We Know It
- Punishes people with Pre-Existing Conditions
- Eliminates subsidies that help moderate income people afford coverage forcing millions into the ranks of the uninsured.
Take Action:
Call this number which will connect you to a random key Senator: #866-426-2631
Talking Points:
- Graham-Cassidy is a last-ditch effort to repeal the ACA. It would cause virtually all of the same devastating impacts as previous repeal bills already rejected by the Senate, such as:
- Cutting health coverage and raising premiums and out-of-pocket costs for millions
- Slashing Medicaid, converting the traditional Medicaid program to a per capita cap, and ending the expansion
- Allowing states to gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions
- The country has moved on from repeal. They want and expect Republicans and Democrats to work together to stabilize the health insurance marketplaces, protect children’s health, and take steps to help people afford the coverage they need.
- These bipartisan efforts are where Congress should be placing its focus, not on last-ditch attempts to resurrect ACA repeal measures the Senate has already rejected.
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We thank you for your time and please spread the word to everyone in the community to take action!