Sometimes All You Have To Do Is Ask

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Justin Young

As an advocate for individuals with disabilities, there are a number of helpful resources available to me which can be found in my “tool box”.  These supplies help me accomplish the task at hand. The difference being one would not find a power saw, pliers, or a wrench in my “tool box”, more likely would be the power to move barriers, flyers, and a book of laws related to rights of persons with disabilities.  The largest tool to my trade would be the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) which has been strengthened over the years by different actions demonstrated by my peers.

As an advocate in the area of Pooled Trusts, additional documents found in the “Tool box” would be Administrative Directives (ADM), General Information Systems (GIS), Informational Letters (INF), and Social Security Program Operations Manual System (POMS).  It is vital these files are in an accessible format compatible with screen reading software to ensure all have the opportunity to view them.  In my case, this portion applies heavily to the ADM and GIS files.

When I began my journey little over a month ago with the CDR Pooled Trust department, it was my responsibility to read and comprehend the above documents mentioned.  As I began trying to open the ADM and GIS files, I found they were not compatible with the screen reading software system I use due to my visual impairment.  This is when I put on my advocacy hat and opened up the “tool box” to solve this problem.  I first sent a message to the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) via to see if they could provide alternative files.  While waiting to hear back from NYSDOH, I searched via the internet and asked our Albany office if they could give any good leads.  A contact person at Empire Justice said the NYSDOH were required to provide alternative formats by Title II of the ADA which states “a public entity shall take appropriate steps to ensure that communications with applicants, participants, and members of the public with disabilities are as effective as communications with others”. About three weeks after my initial inquiry message, I received a message indicating all the ADM and GIS files would be converted to a format accessible with my screen reader.  Sometimes All you have to do is ask the question and the answer shall appear.  Once the resolution has appeared, it is one step closer to solving the original problem and creating change for the future.