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The NYS Senate has been very busy these past few days. No, I’m not referring to the weekly budget extenders – although both houses have been busy here. I am referring to the list of disability legislation that will impact each and every one of us!
On Thursday, June 10, CDR joined several other Independent Living Centers from around the State at the Capitol to watch this important package of bills pass and show our support for the Senators who voted “aye.” Below is an overview of what passed, but remember: these are not laws – yet! When they pass both the Assembly and Senate, the Governor has to sign them into law. We are anxiously awaiting his signature – and busy doing advocacy to make sure this happens.
S.7860 Requires polling sites to comply with ADA accessibility guidelines. Everyone has the right to vote and yet people with disabilities continuously face physical barriers to casting their vote. This bill will help ensure that all New Yorkers – with and without a disabilities – will be able to participate in the process by making all polling sites ADA accessible.
[Sponsored by Senator Addabbo (Queens). Senate passed last Thursday, June 10. Already passed in the Assembly on Disability Awareness Day, May 17. Needs Governor’s signature to make it a law.]
S.2933 Establishes a cap on paratransit fares. This bill will prevent the cost of paratransit rides from exceeding regular bus route fares. This bill is of particular importance to the people of Rochester who face continuous discrimination with the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA)’s paratransit system in both access to and cost of service.
[Sponsored by Senator Duane (Manhattan). Senate passed last Thursday, June 10. This bill has not yet passed in the Assembly. Must pass the Assembly and then needs Governor’s signature.]
S.7482 Incorporates Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into state law. Title II of the ADA provides protections against discrimination on the basis of disability in services provided by public entities, including state and local governments. This would increase the State’s authority in enforcement of Title II of the ADA.
[Sponsored by Senator Huntley (Queens). Senate passed last Thursday, June 10. Already passed in the Assembly on Disability Awareness Day, May 17. Needs Governor’s signature to make it a law.]
S.7800 Incorporates the housing provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act into state law. Section 504 requires a certain percentage of units to be set aside for people with physical and sensory disabilities. However, housing developers often fail to comply with Section 504’s requirement even though they receive federal dollars for construction. This would increase the State’s authority in enforcement of Section 504.
[Sponsored by Senator Squadron (Manhattan). Senate passed last Thursday, June 10. Already passed in the Assembly on Disability Awareness Day, May 17. Needs Governor’s signature to make it a law.]
S.7613 Makes it illegal to discriminate against a person’s source of income for housing. Too often, landlords and realtors discriminate against tenants who receive Section 8 vouchers, Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) waiver subsidies, or the like. This bill adds protections against discrimination based on lawful source of income into New York State Human Rights law.
[Sponsored by Senator Squadron (Manhattan). Senate passed this Monday, June 14. Already passed in the Assembly on Disability Awareness Day, May 17. Needs Governor’s signature to make it a law.]
With the upcoming 20th anniversary of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), the passage of these bills marks a major step forward for New Yorkers with disabilities. However, as disability advocates, we know we have a long way to go. For now, we can commend the Legislature and tell the Governor to sign these into law!