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Organizations are invited to join a broad, diverse set of coalitions and groups that have come together to oppose the Governor’s approach to this year’s Medicaid budget.
Several groups and coalitions have come together to form a united effort around the Medicaid Redesign Team and the Governor’s attempts to zero in on Medicaid spending. We are calling for reconsideration of the Medicaid global spending cap, rejection of the proposal to require the counties to once again pay a local share, raising of revenue through taxing ultra-wealthy and large corporations, and more. You can review the Statement of Principles at this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n0xor8CYLjDsmujH_F3uIIgP8AzDnGfSKI6OcRXGYNE/edit?usp=sharing
To co-sign the statement, complete this Google Form by close-of-business Thursday, February 27. Please share with organizations you think might be interested. If you find this form is not fully accessible by your electronic screen reader, please send an email to Anthony Feliciano at afeliciano@cphsnyc.org or Meghan Parker at mparker@ilny.org and a reasonable accommodation will be made.
The statement and list of co-signing organizations will be published widely early next week.