Report from Jerry Lewis Action

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Diane Coleman

CDR is about solidarity. We’re part of the national Disability Rights Movement (aka DRM), and our brothers and sisters around the country know that we will be there to deliver the message loud and strong. As a long time member of Jerry’s Orphans, I’ve been on the steering committee of The Trouble With Jerry which organized this weekend’s protests of the “humanitarian” award being given to pity monger Jerry Lewis. (For more on the history of the issue, see my blog entry last week.

Last night, Oscar night, CDR was there at the George Eastman House to join in national protests. To be specific, outside after dark in the bitter cold and snow in Rochester, nine people joined me to make sure that the message of “No Pity” was received: Carolyn Benway, Dorrie Budd, Bruce Darling, Stephen Drake, Kevin Figler, Cindy Hancock, James Scarola, Pam Taggart, and Pat Taggart.

Our neon orange and yellow signs said things like “Respect Not Charity,” “Jerry Lewis Is No Humanitarian,” “Pity Is Not Progress” and “Scary Jerry Stay Home.” Our day-glow orange leaflets listed Lewis’ many insults to people with disabilities, and documented statements that most people have forgotten or never knew, like people with neuromuscular disabilities are “half a person” and “can’t work.” Click here for an information leaflet.

RNEWS caught us early in the day, and forming up for the protest at the Eastman House, and Channel 10 recorded our chanting in two-part harmony: “No Award – For Jerry Lewis!!”

It was cold, but we were there and in good company – with each other and, in spirit, with The Trouble With Jerry. For pictures from the Hollywood actions, check out Tom Olin’s work at

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