Rather go to jail

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Helen Burianek

I have been a supporter of CDR’s work to promote independence for people with disabilities for a number of years. This came about when they sent somebody to Binghamton to help me to end my incarceration in a nursing home. At that point, I had been in the nursing home for 8 months, following surgery for removal of kidney stones. I agreed to enter the nursing home to recover, but never thought I would get stuck there for so long.

I am now a participant in the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver receiving Home and Community Support Services (HCSS) from All About You Homecare. I find that this program suits my needs and allows me to live in my own apartment.

However, I have recently discovered that the budget cuts that are being proposed in New York may affect my services. Every time there is talk of a budget cut, they start with proposing reductions in programs for people who can least afford it. They sneak these cuts past people, hoping they never notice what the cuts really mean. I do not know if they think challenged community do not vote. I vote and have been a registered voter since the age of 21 and am now a senior citizen.

Hey Andrew Cuomo, what the h— is going on in Albany ? I originally voted for you because of your father. Many years ago, he helped me get an apartment in Binghamton so I could attend the university. I have since graduated and now live in Rochester.

When I voted for you, I believed that your administration would be forward looking. Wrong. My health has become tenuous and my disability all encompassing as I age. If these budget cuts that you support are carried out, my attempts to live an independent lifestyle will be seriously in jeopardy.

I do not believe that my writing will change your position, however, I thought you should have some idea of what it is like to be out here in the trenches. I am not a number, I am not a statistic, and I am not a patient. I believe I have the right to an independent lifestyle, even if that independence has to come with the assistance of other people. I have been trying to win and hold onto my independence since I was very young.

Organizations like CDR have fought for the independence and civil rights of seniors and people with disabilities, for our right to live in the community and not be forced into nursing facilities because we need help. As with other civil rights movements, some have even been arrested in non-violent protest. At this point, I agree with the statement, “I’d rather be in jail, than in a nursing home.”