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DID YOU KNOW: Out of approximately 2400 companies in the U.S. allowed to hold certificates issued under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 62 of them are companies who applied on January 1st of 2016!
Ace Jones is our very first King from Rome, NY. He agrees that people with disabilities should not be paid subminimum wages.
Thank you Ace Jones for being our first Kink Against Goodwill!
Are you a Queen/King that also thinks people with disabilities should be paid fairly? Send us an email at QueenTeam@cdrnys.org!
Image description: In the top left corner of the image, the text reads “Team Larry Entertainment” in black. In the middle of the image, in white text it reads “C’mon Dude! Equal Pay is the Way!” In the bottom left corner, the text reads “Kings Against Goodwill” in white text. In the bottom right corner in white text it reads “Ace Jones” and “TeamLarryEntertainment Legacy”