Please support me in the ADAPT FUN RUN!

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Chris Hilderbrant

Hi Everyone!

It’s that time of year again – time for ADAPT’s National FUN RUN for Disability Rights! On April 26th, I’ll be one of about 500 ADAPT activists participating in the fun run to support ADAPT’s mission of allowing people with disabilities to live in their own homes, instead of being forced into nursing homes.

Many of you remember that last year I pledged to shave my hair off if the Rochester ADAPT group raised over $5,000. Well, they did. and my head was shaved!
This year, I haven’t made any such pledge (though people were very much wanting to dye my hair a permanent hot pink), but I really hope you can support me in this important fundraiser!

All donations go to ADAPT and help keep the costs of our national actions affordable for low income people with disabilities. Without financial support, the costs of hotels are overwhelming and many of our best activists would be unable to participate. Without them, the strength of ADAPT would dwindle and ADAPT’s ferocious advocacy efforts would be gone.

So remember, even though my hair is going to go untouched, your tax deductible contribution will help bring about real changes for people with disabilities. Any support will be appreciated!

Please click, or copy and paste the link shown below in your web browser address bar and pledge your support now:

Thank you,

Chris Hilderbrant