NY Passes Bill Requiring Medicaid Recipients to be Informed of Pooled Trust Option!

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Justin Young

Earlier this year the Center for Disability Rights had a blog post related to the advocacy initiative of getting what we have called the Pooled Trust Notification Bill introduced in the New York State Legislature. On both May 23 and June 12, 2017 the Pooled Trust Notification Bills passed the New York State Assembly & Senate respectively and this is exciting news! The Pooled Trust Notification Bill (A5175-A/S1241-A) amends the New York State Social Services Law permitting the New York State Department of Health to tell consumers with disabilities of their right to use the Pooled Trust option to qualify for Medicaid! This legislation is significant because it mandates the State Health Department to inform consumers about the Pooled Trust option. As mentioned in a previous blog post the Pooled Trust option is the most beneficial way for consumers with disabilities to qualify for Medicaid. This is because they are both Medicaid eligible to pay for necessary items such as attendant services, service coordination, medical supplies and more along with paying for their living expenses like rent, mortgage, food, utilities and much more!

We would like to thank those who have partnered with the Center for Disability Rights on this initiative like Joe Erdman, Legislative Director for Senator Robert Ortt and both Mischa Sogut, Legislative Director and Kayleigh Metviner, Legislative Associate for Assembly Member Richard Gottfried for their support and willing to work with us related to this specific legislation that would help all New Yorkers with Disabilities! In addition to the legislative staff members, we would like to thank all the advocates who traveled to Albany for the various Disability Legislative lobby days to urge their New York State representatives to get these bills passed!

Now our next steps are having the New York State Assembly send this legislation onward to Governor Andrew Cuomo for his approval! The Center for Disability Rights along with other organizations have or will submit letters in support of these bills to ensure they are successful when they go to Governor Cuomo for his signature! We are hopeful Governor Cuomo will sign it and this bill will become law exactly 6 months after the day the Governor signs it! This legislation is important for People with Disabilities and will show that the State is committed to keeping these New Yorkers in a community living setting!