Nurse Delegation, Support Our Integration

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Justin Young

Nurse Delegation, Support Our Integration

On May 19, 2014 I along with members from Rochester ADAPT went to the New York State Disability Awareness Day. Our plans were to disrupt the event as much as possible. Unfortunately we had to modify our strategy slightly because due to transportation issues outside our control we were not able to arrive on time thereby missing a significant portion of the event. When we arrived and made it through security, we caught the portions of the event we could make which was just before their lunch break. We spoke with staffers from Assembly Majority Leader Morelle’s office and making them aware of the Community First Choice Option for New York State. The staff members weren’t aware this issue was continuing because like us, we thought this was a done deal with passage of the Governor’s Executive Budget in early April.

Reliable sources have told us while the Legislature was out of session, Assembly Woman Deborah Glick; Chair of the Higher Education Committee failed to change her views on this subject thereby reversing the successful language drafted in a bill by the State Senate. We hoped to discuss this matter further with her in person by visiting her Albany office and this matter would be discussed during a meeting originally scheduled to discuss important legislation related to the Deaf community. At first the staff members of Assembly Woman Glick’s office were resistant to even discuss the matter not allowing representatives from our group in the meeting room. We were allowed representatives in the meeting room, but I do not have any first-hand knowledge of what was discussed in great detail due to not being in the room. Since this was the beginning of the opening session the Assembly Woman was unavailable due to being in the Assembly Chamber. I am confident from what I could over hear from the Glick Meeting while waiting directly outside the room, I am confident our representatives got our major points and frustrations with this particular individual across.

During the remainder of our time spent in Albany, we visited with staff members from Assemblyman David Gant’s office where further important legislation was discussed during this meeting. I understand the legislature must collaborate amongst themselves, but I and the disability community are growing frustrated on the constant blockade of legislation that not only would allow those with disabilities to live in the community, but give the state millions if not billions of dollars.

When our meetings were finished we proceeded to the War Room and began chanting “Nurses Delegation, Support our Integration!” which according to Bruce Darling, Chief Executive Officer/President of the Center for Disability Rights could be heard throughout the entire building. After hearing our chants representatives from the Governor’s office spoke with us and wanted to hear from those who have been or will be directly affected by the Community First Choice Option. These were very powerful speeches which drove home the point we came to make. We expressed in every meeting that if the successful language agreed upon were not approved we would be back to participate in civil disobedience. I will be returning with my colleagues to participate in civil disobedience to prove persons with disabilities are persons who have the same rights of living where ever they may choose.